First I disconnected all of the vacuum hoses and sealed the ports with vacuum caps. I set the idle mixture screw about 1.5 turns out as an initial setting and let the car idle through a few fan cycles. From here I backed the idle stop screw out until the engine started to stumble and then increased idle about 1/4 turn until I had a steady needle on the vacuum guage (18inHG). I don't have a diagnostic tachometer yet but this RPM I'm guessing was around 900. From here I played with the idle mixture screw but it doesn't seem to do anything. All the way in and all the way out don't affect the idle quality at all. The Artigue manual has a note on this and mentions checking for fuel leaks and resetting the throttle stop nut. Aside from the throttle stop screw on the primary the only other stop-nut I'm aware of is the stop on the secondary and mine is set to allow full closure of the secondary throttle valve. The book wasn't clear on the reset "procedure" but maybe I didn't recognize it. I'm not sure where to go from here. Does everything look ok with the jetting?
Primary Air Correction = 165
Primary Emulsion = F7
Secondary Air Correction = 155
Secondary Emulsion = F7
Primary Main = 140
Secondary Main = 145
Primary Idle = 50
Secondary Idle = 60
Idles with mixture screw seated
If your carburetor idles with the mixture screw fully seated then the car is idling on the main throttle and not on the idle jets. Reset your throttle linkage by using the procedure described in the tune-up section. If this fails to solve the problem then observe your carburetor spraying fuel during operation and look for leaks. The accelerator pump may be leaking into the main barrel during idle operation, causing enough fuel to mix (and mix poorly) to maintain idle.