Tuesday night I jacked the back end and placed the rear axle on stands with chocks on the front.
Ran the engine with trans in 2nd gear and blocked the left rear tire to force the right rear to spin. (that was a clue right there)
Listening with along the axle housing my ear on the end of a wooden dowel that was used to touch the rear axle I was able to hear some rumblings at the right outer wheel bearing.
Read a few posts in here pertaining to rear axle bearings.
Wednesday at work I ordered a bearing/seal kit from a Fiat parts supplier.
Wednesday night in 1.5 hours I pulled the right rear axle. That snap ring is a bugger without the correct snap ring pliers. But I got it. Bearing felt bad with axle in hand.
Today, new parts arrive at our shop. Used a press and a little heat from a propane torch to remove old retainer and bearing. Took more time to setup the press than to remove the bearing.
Reset the press and installed the new parts to the axle. The retainer went on pretty easily with a little heat. It's about an .008" interference fit.
Got home just before 6PM and installed the new seal and axle and test drove the little beast by 7:30PM
No more noise!
Hooorayy for meee!

I could almost do this for a livin.
Probably make more money as compared to workin as an aircraft mechanic too!