Hi all
I'm looking for some advice and help. I've got a friend in Santa Monica who's visiting England early next month and I was thinking that if anyone near there could suggest where we could get a tan (biege) boot would it be fair to ask him to bring it with him? I don't want to put him to too much trouble so first question is how small do they fold up and what's the weight involved? Next is can anyone suggest a reliable supplier near him that I can ask him to get it from?
Can't get one made over here as no pattern to work from and no fittings, hooks etc and I guess they come with it.
Boot - Help needed.
i'd suggest http://www.vickauto.com/cgi-bin/store/50-3399.html
email the supplier directly and ask what it would cost to ship it. your buddy would not have to worry about the additional container to pack or carry, and it would arrive to you direct...safe and guarunteed.
email the supplier directly and ask what it would cost to ship it. your buddy would not have to worry about the additional container to pack or carry, and it would arrive to you direct...safe and guarunteed.
The Boot Cover
Yeh - OK Fixittoni I'm being polite again Just wanted to thank Mike publicly for the contact. I've now ordered the cover and also learnt that the interior colour that we'd call beige is Tan as far as you guys are concerned I'll know next time. Oh yes - in case you didn't know - that is the way we spell "color" over here!