Wiper Motor and Linkage Grease?Burning smell
Wiper Motor and Linkage Grease?Burning smell
I cleaned the wiper linkage as it had a lot of dried on grease and took the wiper motor apart and cleaned all the electrical connections in it. My question is what type of grease/lubricant should I use in the wiper motor and what type for the linkage? THx. 

Last edited by Fiat88 on Mon May 17, 2010 11:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Wiper Motor and Linkage Grease?
we've been using the ceramlube by Bendix on that stuff. The Bendix rep told us it will work on any metal surface. The nice thing is it doesn't harden up and water won't wash it off
Re: Wiper Motor and Linkage Grease?- Burning Smell-help
Went to Advanced Auto and the guy behind the counter told me to use lithium grease, so I used it and put the motor back together and reinstalled everything. The wipers work much faster now but when I started the car I noticed a weird smell, sort of like a electrical short, so I checked the wiper motor area and it smelled and it was hot, so was the wiring to it.
Now, could I possibly have the wiring wrong or could this be the lithium grease smelling from heating up? Gonna check the wiring tomorrow with the wiring diagram. Any ideas of what it could be?
Now, could I possibly have the wiring wrong or could this be the lithium grease smelling from heating up? Gonna check the wiring tomorrow with the wiring diagram. Any ideas of what it could be?
Re: Wiper Motor and Linkage Grease?Burning smell
The lithium grease will cause a funny odor. Clean that stuff off and run something like heave bearing grease. Maybe brake caliper lube for something thin but odorless.
VW used lithium for their power window motor lube at one time. Would find it all inside the doors on cars from about 95-02. In these Texas summers, it would make the cars smell like burning plastic. Had to scoop it all out with spoons and then flush the doors with mild solvent to get it all. It was freaking nasty. Did that with a couple friend that got into the VW crazy.
VW used lithium for their power window motor lube at one time. Would find it all inside the doors on cars from about 95-02. In these Texas summers, it would make the cars smell like burning plastic. Had to scoop it all out with spoons and then flush the doors with mild solvent to get it all. It was freaking nasty. Did that with a couple friend that got into the VW crazy.