2009 BFI

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2009 BFI

Post by rlux4 »

Best of France and Italy was awsome! There must have been over 450 cars on display, and the amount of people there was...
a bunch! There will be more pics coming from others I'm sure, but here's a few of mine before I head out to Ventura for the week.
This shows maybe 1/3 of the cars in panorama. It's missing the French section and the exotic cars section


This Topolino was born the same year as me (Sam was there, he's a little yournger than me and the car)


And look here, Jay Leno stopped for a chat and a pic with Sam


The weather was perfect, so that probably contributed to the large turn out. Last year, my first year there, was just after a rain and the field was muddy. All in all a great day. Except for Ace, which I will let him explain.
More to come.
Ron Luxmore
'82 2000 Spider: after 26 years between Spiders.
So Cal Mark

Re: 2009 BFI

Post by So Cal Mark »

I knew Sam would go Hollywood eventually. Next it'll be sex, drugs and rock and roll
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Re: 2009 BFI

Post by htchevyii »

I never thought I'd be jealous of a teddy bear! He gets to go everywhere!
1982 SPIDER 2000, 1964 CHEVYII, 1969 Chevy Nova, 2005 DODGE RAM, 1988 Jeep Comanche
1972 Spider, 78 Spider rat racer 57 f-100,

Re: 2009 BFI

Post by pope »

Whats Jay doing with his middle finger.
So Cal Mark

Re: 2009 BFI

Post by So Cal Mark »

getting in touch with Sams' feminine side? :oops:
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Re: 2009 BFI

Post by mdrburchette »

htchevyii wrote:I never thought I'd be jealous of a teddy bear! He gets to go everywhere!
Ain't that the truth? Lucky damn bear.
Can't wait to hear Alvon's version of the story.
1972 124 Spider (Don)
1971 124 Spider (Juan)
1986 Bertone X19 (Blue)
1978 124 Spider Lemons racer
1974 X19 SCCA racer (Paul)
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Re: 2009 BFI

Post by racydave »

I hope he is not a bad influence on Jay!
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Re: 2009 BFI

Post by fiasco »

Very sad I missed it. My older son came down with the flu on Saturday (not much is worse than being 11 yrs old and sick on Halloween night), so we all spent Sunday at home. Looks like it was a great event.

-- se
Steve Eubanks
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Re: 2009 BFI

Post by jimincalif »

I had a good time, I'd never been there before, There were a lot of cars. Saw Alvon, Ron, Mark and met Sam too, also saw a neighbor of mine who has an Alfa shop. I guess Jay Leno showed up later in the afternoon after I had left. :(
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Re: 2009 BFI

Post by spiderrey »

Didnt see much of the show, I was stuck on the vendors side selling a bunch of parts. I did mange to come over an talk tro a few ol friends. Then I dropped off some moxie and stole a few sausage dogs. Biggest show yet. I remember when only about 8 fiats showed up.
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Re: 2009 BFI

Post by sptcoupe »

One of my favorite events. Does anyone know how many FIATS/Lancias showed up?
So Cal Mark

Re: 2009 BFI

Post by So Cal Mark »

tthis proves my theory that we could host a West Coast Freakout and have LOTS of cars show up. It's not just the sheer numbers that arrived, but the condition of the cars proves that their is lots of interest in restoring the cars to a near perfect state
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Re: 2009 BFI

Post by narfire »

West Coast FFO!!! :D
Where,when and who to contact?
Sounds like a plan but a big undertaking.
I think there is some interest in a Fiat club here in southern BC. I'd suspect some would make an effort for a bit of a road trip. I was going to entertain a run to Oregon anyway. Just have to plug some of the constant oil leaks.
80 FI spider
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So Cal Mark

Re: 2009 BFI

Post by So Cal Mark »

since the SF bay area seems to have such a dedicated, organized group and that area is more central to the entire west coast I think they should be approached about the concept. Any west coasters willing to commit to a road trip?
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Re: 2009 BFI

Post by jimincalif »

I'd be interested. Probably should be arranged not to compete with the Oregon event.

How do we get a SoCal group going that is as active as the bay area group?
1980 FI Spider
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